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What is Visceral Manipulation?

Visceral Manipulation was created by the world famous French osteopath and physiotherapist Jean-Pierre Barral. This is a soft manual impact (with the help of hands) on the system of fascial ligaments and muscles aiming to stimulate normal mobility, tone and movements of the internal organs and related connective tissue.

The Impact of Deep Fascial Tension

Causes of connective tissue tension of the internal organs can be postoperative scars, adhesions, injuries, posture disorders and other diseases. Tension patterns form in the body’s deep fascial network, creating a cascade of effects far from the source of the problem that the body compensates for. The fascia creates fixed abnormal points of tension around which the body is forced to move, and this chronic irritation paves the way for further functional and structural damages.

The visceral system is based on the interconnected synchrony of the movements of all organs and structures of the body. In case one organ cannot move in harmony with its environment due to pathological tone, adhesions or misalignments, it starts to work against other body organs, muscle, fascial and bone structures. This kind of disharmony leads to the emergence of processes that underlie future diseases.

Identifying and Resolving Restriction

Visceral Manipulation is based on palpation of normal and pathological areas in the body. Using specific techniques the practitioner can assess how pathological forces interact, alter, and affect the normal functioning of the body. The purpose of the method is to help the body eliminate pathological influences, regardless of their origin. These effects can be global and cover many areas of the human body and its functions.

Visceral Manipulation, a holistic therapy, addresses a wide range of functional and structural imbalances in the body. It effectively tackles dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal, vascular, nervous, genitourinary, digestive, respiratory, and lymphatic systems. By assessing the mobility of the visceral structures in relation to their supporting apparatus, Visceral Manipulation diagnoses and treats the underlying causes of these imbalances. Furthermore, it enhances proprioceptive connections throughout the body, leading to improved vitality, reduced pain, elimination of dysfunctions, and restoration of proper posture.

Visceral manipulations are successfully used for such problems as:

  • whiplash injury;
  • bloating and constipation;
  • nausea and heartburn;
  • infantile colic gastroesophageal reflux disease;
  • swallowing dysfunction;
  • chronic pain in the pelvic region;
  • consequences of menopause;
  • back and neck pain;
  • headaches and migraines;
  • carpal tunnel syndrome;
  • pain in peripheral joints; lumbosacral sciatica;
  • anxiety disorder, depression;
  • post-traumatic stress disorder;
  • pain associated with postoperative and post-infectious scars.

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