I hereby declare that I have been informed about the possible reactions as a result of the Craniosacral therapy treatment. This treatment is not a replacement for regular medical treatments.
It is not a replacement for (regular) medical treatments or diagnoses. The practitioner is not a doctor and has no intention of replacing him as such. Thus, you should never interrupt, delay or stop medical treatment or other necessary treatments. Medical instructions will never be changed. The responsibility for this lies entirely with the undersigned.
It is not a diagnosis and not a medical therapy. It is not a form of medical science or medicine. No diseases, symptoms of diseases or conditions are treated. No promises will ever be made about healing that could give rise to any false hopes.
It is my own choice and responsibility to choose to undergo or forgo this treatment at this time. Agreeing or stopping the treatment is entirely my own choice and responsibility.
The treatment method was explained to me clearly enough.

I hereby confirm that I have been informed about possible physical reactions during the self-healing process (such as muscle tension, headache, irritated nerves, fatigue, and other reactions) prior to the application.
I am aware that health insurance does not always reimburse the costs of the application.
The treatment process and evaluation/control will be discussed with the therapist after the first treatment.
I agree to the application of the treatment and am aware that Valeria Prokofieva does not bear any responsibility.